This site serves as a repository of information about NIM, CAMAC, and FASTBUS equipment. It is an enthusiast project, and is not associated with or controlled by any company or corporate entity.

This site is new as of January 2022, and material is being added as time permits. This is a community effort; if you would like to contribute, please please register for an account, or contact Dave McGuire for assistance.

Please follow our Contribution Guidelines when adding material.

What are NIM, CAMAC, and FASTBUS?

NIM (Nuclear Instrumentation Module), CAMAC (Computer Automated Measurement And Control), and FASTBUS are industry standards for modules for laboratory automation, especially in the context of nuclear and particle physics. They date back to the 1960s (NIM), 1970s (CAMAC), and 1980s (FASTBUS). NIM and CAMAC are still in widespread use today. Dozens of manufacturers made, and still make, modules for these standards.

Many people avoid this type of equipment because it looks initimidating, or they have the impression that it is somehow proproprietary, undocumented, or difficult to work with. Nothing could be further from the truth! One purpose of this site is to dispel those myths.

This site is broken up into subsections for each of these types of devices, listed below.